Saturday 28 July 2007


Just what are computers beginning to mean to me?
I beginning to hate my computer and the internet as a whole.
Yes, there is a lot to do on the internet and a lot of free things to get, almost all digital.
I've ended up collecting things, just for the hell of it, but they all seem meaningless, the websites I go for news and downloads daily, pointless.
It all has no meaning, I'm not sure where my time is going and enough isn't enough.
I don't particularly socialise on the 'net, because I don't believe in it.
I have 4 days off a week and most is spent on this cursed internet or just the laptop.
I'm doing nothing creative, nothing really worthwhile, things that will NEVER get me anywhere in life.
Its a whole love/hate relationship with the internet, its not fun. It appears fun, but it isn't, its just timewasting.
Problem is; I can't stop, I can't damned concentrate on anything else either.
I'm really beginning to hate the internet and what it stands for, because, fantastic as it may be, it just stands for nothing.
Maybe I should start monitoring the time on this evil, timewasting thing, because, I'm ALWAYS bored on the internet, never happy enough, always wanting more.

This of course; does not affect consoles, as Earth Defence Force 2017 is one of the finest, original games I have ever played.

Sunday 8 July 2007

Internet Mean Time

Well, I've come up with another concept. Maybe a little un-original, but y'know that old argument about 'time being man-made'?
Well, I'm thinking of there being a separate time zone for the internet, people on the internet. You see, apparently; 'Time flies when you're having fun' right, thats valid.
I'm not always having 'fun' on the internet. But boy, does time fly.

Heres my following theory:

Its not any work of genius or anything, its just what I think. If I don't look at a clock whilst on the internet (only browsing), the time goes faster than playing on the XBOX or the PS2 etc.
You no longer see hours pass. Things are counted in half hours and odd minutes when you glance down (up on my desktop) and see the time. You NEVER hardly ever see the clock turn to an hour.
Okay, fine, so I wasn't looking at the clock, yeah, but at least I have a basic idea how long I've been playing a game when I'm on a console.
Recently I've been having 'little talks' on MSN that last over 2 hours or so.
For example, one of my friends saw most of Doctor Who series 3 online, whilst I just 'browsed' on the internet, really doing nothing fun at all.
Doctor Who episodes are 45 mins each approx!
That means, 13 episodes...(he only saw 12) must come up to about 4 or 5 hours or so and we talked between the show and I had done NOTHING!
So judging by that, the internet has no time.

Internet Mean Time, right? Gottit?

Friday 6 July 2007

Testing, Testing 1, 2, 3...

Heres a test on this little thingummy jig I have at the bottom of my Firefox window. Yeah, I know, the blog hasn't had anything added onto it for ages. I'm currently in the midst of working again (during the summer hols) Selfishly saving up to buy;

1. A Xbox 360 Premium console (For EDF, firstly)
2. A PS3 (I don't care what people are saying, Naughty Dog and Insomniac are still part of Sony and getting one of these is the only way I'm going to play their games.)

I also want to buy a copy of Crime Traveller and Randall and Hopkirk (deceased) Reeves and Mortimer version.
Right, lets see if this bugger works!

This made me lol, click for larger.

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