Saturday 3 October 2009

Compiling Inappropriate Banjo

I have successfully merged all my old Blogger blogs into one big blog now for this domain name. Every phase of humour, eccentricity, fear, uncertainty and doubt has been indexed for all to see. No longer is everything under different blogs depending on my mood or if I feel I haven't posted anything for long a while.

Much better. Going to check everything is here and then delete it.

Saturday 26 September 2009

The Wii is more mightier than the PS3

So, my laptop is supposedly being fixed, right? I've found myself forced to find other ways to get the internet. Today I found out the Wii's browser is superior to the PS3's. Nice one Nintendo!

Monday 21 September 2009

You are in MY Domain...

Welcome to my domain...well, should I say domain name. To be honest, I'm not sure why I bought this domain name, I guess it was there. In recent weeks I have discovered finding an ideal website name is near impossible and you grab them when you can, I've found that 'Inappropriate Banjo' has some significant link to me. I've bought it for 2 years and intend to keep it. I am happy for this to be my personal webpage, away from any preinc work, maybe even diverting from uni MA work.

Right now the domain name directs to my new spangly blog, maybe great things will come out of this, maybe the domain name will form in a beautiful, eccentric website for yours truly. Either way, I have my personal website now, possibly one of the most random, eccentric website titles in history and you know what, I don't care. 'inappropriate Banjo' is totally marketable, it's stupid and it's controversial, why is the banjo inappropriate? Why the hell not.

Anyway, heres to my little portion of the internet, ''.


Thursday 17 September 2009

"We are...Nin,ten.doh..."

Trawling across the internet, I found this demonic piece of advertising. I'm no genius at branding or advertising, far from it but how the hell do you think this advert is appropriate?

What the hell was Nintendo thinking? At least we know where Playstation's 'scare tactics' (Chris Cunningham) ads of the 90's come from.


Tuesday 15 September 2009


This is the first post of this brand new intended blog. Each blog I end up creating, I consider to be an different era (like the movements of Picasso), my past life etc, I try to ignore what happened previously and just move onto a whole new level of thinking. I feel every now and then, because my situations and intentions have changed sometimes it makes sense to make a new blog.

As of now I am a postgraduate BA hons Animation student, I am going into an MA course in the same field in a few upcoming weeks. I am also involved in a preinc scheme and that is a company bulit upon a few friends who we are very sure are very capable of working together due to previous experience in the field which has been named 'Monsterfox'. Obviously all of this is very exciting and will undoubtedly be a whole new venture and experience, at the same time I will be multitasking the preinc, MA and part time job (the last one is in the process of 'looking for'). One does wonder how I will have time on my own, but in this period, I think it's worth it. Sometimes you have to take a gamble or two.

Anyway, I have started writing this blog very much like a diary and it will voice concerns, but won't directly refer to anyone (obviously because this is the internet). This blog should hopefully reflect my interests in an easy condensed way. It may look bare, but if I can keep up with everything I feel this blog will be a great thing to look upon in the near future.