I personally think these are a GREAT idea.
Spotted on Cartoon Brew
There's a Bizarro App for that
I actually own a small book of Bizarro at my parent's house, it's a newspaper cartoon in the vien of The Far Side. So I find this pretty interesting. An updating comic App for iPhone that gives you a new comic each day.
Spotted on Drawn!
This was found on the fantastic The Comics Bureau, a maintained website by local Glyndwr tutor Dan Berry, which gradually worked my way into one of my (very rare) comic related favourites. It's good because it looks at news about all forms of comics and graphic novels. Not just Marvel/DC like big oafs hitting each other with hammers in a series of random, violent events which is what 'comics' get labeled as these days.
Rad Sechrist Interview
Rad's tutorials are printed out and all over my wall, no joke. Rad has helped me out so much over the last few weeks in my understanding of breaking down my illustration and figures for animation. I've started following his set 'rules'. This was found on the great, handy Character Design Blog.
That's about it. If anyone has any handy animation/illustration/the practice of comics website links, feel free to post them in the comments.
Rad Sechrist Interview
Rad's tutorials are printed out and all over my wall, no joke. Rad has helped me out so much over the last few weeks in my understanding of breaking down my illustration and figures for animation. I've started following his set 'rules'. This was found on the great, handy Character Design Blog.
That's about it. If anyone has any handy animation/illustration/the practice of comics website links, feel free to post them in the comments.
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